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Are You Ready for the Mobile AI Business Revolution?

In the way Apple has changed how we interact with our entertainment, Facebook has changed how we interact with our friends and family, Bizooza has revolutionized how we interact with Employees, Contractors, Vendors, Regulatory Compliance, and most importantly, Customers!

Bizooza's Mobile AI App work on any device; smart phones, tablets, laptops or desktops, and across all platforms, Apple, Android, or Windows. There is nothing to download and NO CONTRACTS to sign, EVER! So what this means for you, the business owner, is 'Time Freedom' & Independence, at a HUGE Savings! By creating and delivering real time information and improving response times for any circumstance, from anywhere in the world, you are no longer tethered to the office or job site to get the job done!. With Bizooza’s Mobile AI App (MobiBiz), you are able to react and respond from the office, while traveling, from the beach, golf course, or anywhere! That’s right, anywhere! Remember, 'Time Freedom' & Independence at a HUGE savings is our goal for business owners.



Bizooza, Where Business Gets Done!
Are you ready for the Mobile AI Business Revolution?

‘Let’s Get Bizy!’

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Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

Bizness owners go into bizness for a passion. Maybe it’s a passion for technology, a trade, sports, personal training, or the service industry. Bizness owners don’t go into bizness because they love the paper work, accounting, government regulations or any of that stuff. The problem is, once in bizness, the bizness can start running us, instead of us running the bizness. We may not give due consideration to what the time requirements might be to manage the bizness, or even what kind of tools we’ll need to successfully do so. Often times we wind up spending so much of our time and energy putting out fires, that we lose focus on growing the bizness and driving sales, revenue, and most importantly, collecting money.

Bizooza can’t do the work for you, but Bizooza can help you do it faster, easier, less expensive and more effectively, ultimately getting you paid faster! This gives you, as a bizness owner, something that no one else is promising you; 'Time Freedom' & Independence at a HUGE Savings! We, as a nation are bombarded with promises of financial freedom if we try this program or use this formula, no one ever talks about 'Time Freedom' & Independence at a HUGE Savings. Welcome to Bizooza!

In the way Apple has changed how we interact with our entertainment, Facebook has changed how we interact with our friends and family, Bizooza has revolutionized how we interact with Employees, Contractors, Vendors, Regulatory Compliance, and most importantly, Customers!

How did we do this? By creating the first Transaction Relationship Management system (TRM) out there. Serious Bizness Tools & Technologically so sophisticated that the Jetsons would be impressed, but so easy and cost effective that the Flintstones could use it. Bizooza works on any device; smart phones, tablets, laptops or desktops, and across all platforms, Apple, Android, or Windows. There is nothing to download and NO CONTRACTS to sign, EVER! So what this means for you, the bizness owner, is 'Time Freedom' & Independence, at a HUGE Savings! By creating and delivering real time information and improving response times for any circumstance, from anywhere in the world, you are no longer tethered to the office or job site to get the job done!. With Bizooza’s MobiBiz, you are able to react and respond from the office, while traveling, from the beach, golf course, or anywhere! That’s right, anywhere! Remember, 'Time Freedom' & Independence at a HUGE savings is our goal for bizness owners.

Imagine a world where your workforce knew where to go and understood what to do, in a real time environment. Wouldn’t your bizness be more effective if you knew they were on task and performing their duties in a timely fashion, without numerous calls, voicemails, texts, or emails back and forth?

Or how about the thought of never having a miscommunication again with a vendor or contractor. The Bizooza TRM asks ALL the proper questions, all the time, every time, and delivers the requirements instantly. No more bizy phones, voice mails, lost emails, or written instructions that can’t be read or misunderstood.

Bizooza TRM works for you 24/7. This means you or your vendor will never miss a PO, Work Order, or any other piece of critical information due to holiday, sick day, vacation day, or any other day off. Any hour of the day, PO’s and work orders will be waiting for your vendors to complete.

Let’s not forget about our favorite thing as bizness owners, regulatory requirements. Although we can’t get rid of these requirements, we can eliminate the time and energy spent on completing them. With the Bizooza Document Generator, just a few taps on the keypad and your requirements are fulfilled. These can include insurance requests, OSHA requirements, incident reporting, waivers, or any other legal document or requirement your bizness is responsible for completing. Documents are routed instantly to the proper recipient(s) and stored in a single, real time, secure, searchable, backed up and organized database.

Still not convinced Bizooza can give you 'Time Freedom' & Independence at a HUGE savings? How about the ‘Crown Jewel’ of time management? Our customers. How much time do we spend trying to communicate with a customer? Notice, we said trying. Not to mention how much time we are actually communicating. And it always seems that a customer wants to reach out at the most inopportune times. Dinner with the family, kid’s recital, the weekend. And how often what should be a 2 minute conversation turn into 15, 20 or even a 30 minute conversation? Our customers can go off topic occasionally since, “as long as I have you on the phone” happens. So, we asked the question; ‘What do customers just really want?’ And our number one answer was, ‘Communication, communication, communication’.

Here’s where Bizooza will shine for you and your bizness. Bizooza will provide your customer with up to the second progress reporting, scheduling, incident reporting, or any piece of information critical to your customer. All customers want to know is their status and be updated on their deliverable. They don’t want to feel ignored or neglected. Let Bizooza TRM show them that you care and make them feel like they’re the only customer in the room. Give your customer real time access to what’s happening, or even better, what will happen. Give them an alternative outlet (instead of that phone call) to create a request or punch list to remain in communication. After all, if they feel like they’re in communication, they’re in control.

Here’s where the time savings comes in. Bizooza allows you to be proactive, not reactive, with your customers. Eliminating unnecessary texts, emails, and ultimately unpleasant phone calls. Giving your customer 24/7 access to their information and an outlet to communicate possible issues will transform your bizness relationships and give you 'Time Freedom' & Independence.  And did we mention, the HUGE savings?

A bizness environment of precision and concise execution that gives insight through the entire organization to not only what happened yesterday, what’s happening today, but what’s happening tomorrow. While maintaining the integrity of your data and information in a single, real time, secure, searchable and organized database that’s right at your fingertips, on any device, anytime, anywhere in the world.

That’s Bizooza, Where Bizness Gets Done!
Are you ready for the Mobile Bizness Revolution?

‘Let’s Get Bizy!’

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Benefits for Corporate

Restore Sanity & Organization to Your Work Environment

Benefits For Corporate

Office/Admin- Manage all your data in real time: Whether you’re on the road or in the office manage all your companies’ activity through the BizyForm dashboard or receive live email or text notifications for updates on all your sensitive data and information.

Signature Capture: Get you contracts, work orders, change orders or any other document that needs a signature signed and distrupted in real time.

PO generator to order Materials, Supplies, Equipment, etc: Whether you’re on the road or in the office manage all your companies’ activity through the BizyForm dashboard or receive live email or text notifications for updates on all your sensitive data and information.

Daily Labor Scope (To Do List): Create your daily work scope or customer preferences. Perfect for the Trades, Pool Companies,
Landscapers, Exterminators or any service industry. The BizyForm Autofill feature allows your workforce to access their requirements from their mobile app for the day, create a progress report and submit at the end of the task. Reports can be routed directly to clients, managers, and the office. Excellent solution for time & task tracking while keep your customer in touch in real time.

Manage Time Sheets: Your workforce can submit hours, invoices or flat rates daily or weekly. Payments are calculated and routed through the approval process. All stored in a secure searchable database for easy data retrieval.

Manage Scheduling: Cut down on all the phone calls, texts and miscommunications by integrating a Google calendar into your mobile app and/or website. Permission based system allows workforce to check schedules, job site locations and turn by turn voice directions right from the MobiBiz app.

Forecast Scheduling: Use the BizyForm Matrix grid to create weekly/monthly task forecasting. Easily update and adjust on the fly with BizyForm Autofill technology and update the entire organization and client base with our multi-layer information routing system.

Manage Progress Reports: Perfect for contractors, daily progress reporting keeps management and clients up to date with what’s going on in the field. Create exception reporting to stay on top of potential issues and scheduling problems.

Manage Expenses: Time to go paperless. Bizooza’s Photo-to-Form technology allows you to take a picture of any receipt right from your app, enter expenses for all your requirements, travel, car rental, dining or anything else. Instantly routes your expense report for approval by management. Don’t wait to get back to the office or hotel to recreate your expenses. Never lose a receipt again. BizyForm safely stores your receipts in a secure, searchable database for future reference and re-prints.

Letter Writer PRO: Bizooza has revolutionized the letter writing experience with Letter Writer PRO. Generate a letter on the go from your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. Create custom stationary options, form letters, or custom letters on the fly. Letter Writer allows you to fax, email or print and mail your letters. Never lose or misplace a letter again as all your correspondnce are stored in a secure and searchable database for quick and easy access to review or resend.

Job Applications: Create beautiful Job Applications for your Website, Mobile Site, Facebook, Craigslist, Newsletters, Email blasts or any other outlet. Enable automatic scheduling for your applications to be active, or limit applications by submissions. Allow applicants to attach resumes or create one with our resume generator.

Document Generator: Literally creates and supports any document you can imagine. Automatically converts and attaches pdf file to notification and verification emails. Perfect for contractors, legal professionals, auto dealers, corporations, or not for profits.


   Direct Deposit
    Drug Testing Report
    Background Checks
    Lien Waivers
    Insurance requests

    The Possibilities Are Unlimited!


Work Orders: Create work orders in real time from the field, at the office, or even the golf course. Work Order generator creates a unique quote number, work order, punch list, incident report number for easy tracking and management.

Invoices with PayPal or Stripe integration (BizyPay): Create invoices and integrate Credit Card Payments right into your form. Convert invoice to PDF and include payment link right in the PDF.

Payment Poke: Get PAID Faster! Virtually eliminate you accounts receivable with Payment Poke. Perfect for weekly or bi-monthly service industry like Landscaper’s, Pool Service, Exterminators, Snow Removal, or Window Washers. When submitting your reports to customers Payment Poke alerts your customer if there’s an outstanding balance due, and includes a credit card payment link.

The Message Pad: This solution is great for shared offices, virtual offices, answering services or companies that actually have a person answer a phone. This solution cuts down on time spent taking and retrieving messages. Automatically build you database on the fly. Autofill completes the caller’s information, takes the message, select the call priority and instantly routes the message to the individual that missed the call. No more lost or misplaced messages. Message Pad dashboard allows you access to your messages 24/7 and change call status’s and keep call notes.

For years the idea of small bizness accessing custom solutions that fit their bizness needs was unheard of. They’re  cost prohibitive, not to mention time prohibitive. Not anymore! Not knowing where to start can paralyze a bizness owner and before you know it the bizness is running you instead of you running the bizness. Those days are over. Let Bizooza ‘Change your life’ starting today!  
Contact one our Bizness Experts Right NOW for your FREE consultation.
There’s no software to buy, nothing to download, and no contracts to sign, EVER!

‘Let’s Get Bizy!’

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Benefits for Work Force

Get Your Entire Workforce on the Same Page

Benefits For Your Work Force

Scheduling: Communicate to your workforce and project managers in real time site locations, start and end times, crew sizes and resource needs for the day. Include a link for workforce to make scheduling requests or vacation times and route request instantly to management.

Material/Equipment Request: No More Excuses! Never be caught by surprise again with a material, equipment, or resource shortage. With Q-Shop your workforce can instantly request resources as soon as a deficiency or future need has been determined. Reports are instantly routed to resource manager with requested fulfillment schedule.

Time Sheet: No more running around collecting time sheets. Workforce can enter their hours & expenses 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Payment amounts can be calculated and routed to supervisors for approval and then routed to payroll fulfillment.

Expense Report: Bizooza’s Photo-to-Form technology allows your workforce to take a picture of any receipt right from their app, enter expenses for all your requirements, travel, car rental, dining or anything else. Instantly routes expense reports for approval by management. Don’t wait to get back to the office or hotel to recreate your expenses. Never lose a receipt again. BizyForm safely stores your receipts in a secure, searchable database for future reference and re-prints.

Mileage & Fuel Tracker: Whether you manage a large fleet or just a single vehicle, Mileage Tracker is an easy to use solution to track miles, gas usage, maintenance history and any other information you would like to capture. Autosuggest displays last travel date recorded and mileage entered to prevent duplicate entries.

Employee Info Form: Allow your workforce to fill out, manage and edit all their pertinent information. Addresses, phone numbers, email, clothing sizes for uniforms and any other information you would like to capture.

Progress Reports: Keep track of your workforce and job progress with daily, weekly, or monthly reports.

Incident Reports: Perfect for documenting injuries, damaged property or exceptions for incomplete tasks. Information instantly routed to proper manager(s). Data is archived for future reference.

Delivery/Pick-Up Signature Form: Our integrated signature pad allows you to more effectively manage your pick up and deliveries of equipment, materials, and personal items. Know who picked it up/delivered, when, where and what time.

Q-Shop: The new way to create commerce on the internet. If you haven’t guessed yet, ‘Q’ stands for quick. Put together an orders of dozens of items in the time it takes you to get to a suppliers website and sign in. That’s all we going to say about Q-Shop here, you need to schedule a demo to see the speed of this amazing solution in action.

We-Commerce: Allows project managers or workforce to order product and/or materials from the job site, route the order to the purchasing agent(s) for approval or modification prior to routing to supplier(s).

Safety Meeting Forms: Great tools for meeting government regulations and compliance. We had OSHA in mind when creating this solution. Document meeting agendas, locations, attendance records with workforce signatures so yo0u can be prepared for government audits.

Safety Inspection Reports: For companies with heavy or light equipment usage. Document who, when, where and what was inspected. Validate equipment in good working order or red flag an item and route critical issues for necessary repairs or replacement. 


For years the idea of small bizness accessing custom solutions that fit their bizness needs was unheard of. They’re  cost prohibitive, not to mention time prohibitive. Not anymore! Not knowing where to start can paralyze a bizness owner and before you know it the bizness is running you instead of you running the bizness. Those days are over. Let Bizooza ‘Change your life’ starting today!
Contact one our Bizness Experts Right NOW for your FREE consultation.
There’s no software to buy, nothing to download, and no contracts to sign, EVER

‘Let’s Get Bizy!’

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Benefits for Customers

'Time Freedom' & Independence

Benefits For Customers

Imagine giving your customers an alternative outlet to place their work requests, activity enrollments, see calendaring and scheduling in real time, Progress Reports, or have access to pay an invoice 24/7. Would this cut down on unnecessary phone calls, texts, & emails? Boom! That’s how we give you 'Time Freedom' & Independence at a HUGE Savings! Happy customer, Happy life!
Work Requests
Color Selections
Create Punch List
Create & Manage Preferences
Pay Invoices Online
Schedule Service Online
Customer Surveys
Portrait Booking Session
Wedding Invitations
Workshop Registrations 

Just to name a few!!!

For years the idea of small bizness accessing custom solutions that fit their bizness needs was unheard of. They’re  cost prohibitive, not to mention time prohibitive. Not anymore! Not knowing where to start can paralyze a bizness owner and before you know it the bizness is running you instead of you running the bizness. Those days are over. Let Bizooza ‘Change your life’ starting today!  


Contact one our Bizness Experts Right NOW for your FREE consultation.
There’s no software to buy, nothing to download, and no contracts to sign, EVER!

‘Let’s Get Bizy!'

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Organizations- Clubs, Schools, Not-for-Profits

Benefits For Organizations

Membership Forms: Bizooza can manage both paid membership transactions and free memberships from your custom MobiBiz mobile app or from your website!
Activity Enrollments: Great for Ski clubs, sports camps, bible camps, school trips any type of activity enrollment processes whether a paid or free activity.
Calendars: Integrated calendar into mobile apps or you own website. Advertise activities, dates, locations (With  GPS directions). Enroll for an activity right from the calendar.
Form Generator: Have your members and applicants quickly and easily fill out waivers, direct deposit requests, and document you can imagine and capture a signature with BizySign. System automatically sends a PDF to the member and the organization. Documents are stored in a secure, searchable database for easy retrieval from anywhere in the world with the Bizooza cloud system.
Elections & Polls: Have your members vote for your organizations President, Vice-President, Board Members online from anywhere in the world. Or, create custom polls to get the pulse of your members for trips, activities, or proposed changes to the organization. The options are endless!



For years the idea of small bizness accessing custom solutions that fit their bizness needs was unheard of. They’re  cost prohibitive, not to mention time prohibitive. Not anymore! Not knowing where to start can paralyze a bizness owner and before you know it the bizness is running you instead of you running the bizness. Those days are over. Let Bizooza ‘Change your life’ starting today!  


Contact one our Bizness Experts Right NOW for your FREE consultation.
There’s no software to buy, nothing to download, and no contracts to sign, EVER!

‘Let’s Get Bizy!’

Back Home


Our Philosophy

Bizness owners go into bizness for a passion. Maybe it’s a passion for technology, a trade, sports, personal training, or the service industry. Bizness owners don’t go into bizness because they love the paper work, accounting, government regulations or any of that stuff. The problem is, once in bizness, the bizness can start running us, instead of us running the bizness. We may not give due consideration to what the time requirements might be to manage the bizness, or even what kind of tools we’ll need to successfully do so. Often times we wind up spending so much of our time and energy putting out fires, that we lose focus on growing the bizness and driving sales, revenue, and most importantly, collecting money.

Bizooza can’t do the work for you, but Bizooza can help you do it faster, easier, less expensive and more effectively, ultimately getting you paid faster! This gives you, as a bizness owner, something that no one else is promising you; 'Time Freedom' & Independence at a HUGE Savings! We, as a nation are bombarded with promises of financial freedom if we try this program or use this formula, no one ever talks about 'Time Freedom' & Independence at a HUGE Savings. Welcome to Bizooza!

In the way Apple has changed how we interact with our entertainment, Facebook has changed how we interact with our friends and family, Bizooza has revolutionized how we interact with Employees, Contractors, Vendors, Regulatory Compliance, and most importantly, Customers!

How did we do this? By creating the first Transaction Relationship Management system (TRM) out there. Serious Bizness Tools & Technologically so sophisticated that the Jetsons would be impressed, but so easy and cost effective that the Flintstones could use it. Bizooza works on any device; smart phones, tablets, laptops or desktops, and across all platforms, Apple, Android, or Windows. There is nothing to download and NO CONTRACTS to sign, EVER! So what this means for you, the bizness owner, is 'Time Freedom' & Independence, at a HUGE Savings! By creating and delivering real time information and improving response times for any circumstance, from anywhere in the world, you are no longer tethered to the office or job site to get the job done!. With Bizooza’s MobiBiz, you are able to react and respond from the office, while traveling, from the beach, golf course, or anywhere! That’s right, anywhere! Remember, 'Time Freedom' & Independence at a HUGE savings is our goal for bizness owners.

Imagine a world where your workforce knew where to go and understood what to do, in a real time environment. Wouldn’t your bizness be more effective if you knew they were on task and performing their duties in a timely fashion, without numerous calls, voicemails, texts, or emails back and forth?

Or how about the thought of never having a miscommunication again with a vendor or contractor. The Bizooza TRM asks ALL the proper questions, all the time, every time, and delivers the requirements instantly. No more bizy phones, voice mails, lost emails, or written instructions that can’t be read or misunderstood.

Bizooza TRM works for you 24/7. This means you or your vendor will never miss a PO, Work Order, or any other piece of critical information due to holiday, sick day, vacation day, or any other day off. Any hour of the day, PO’s and work orders will be waiting for your vendors to complete.

Let’s not forget about our favorite thing as bizness owners, regulatory requirements. Although we can’t get rid of these requirements, we can eliminate the time and energy spent on completing them. With the Bizooza Document Generator, just a few taps on the keypad and your requirements are fulfilled. These can include insurance requests, OSHA requirements, incident reporting, waivers, or any other legal document or requirement your bizness is responsible for completing. Documents are routed instantly to the proper recipient(s) and stored in a single, real time, secure, searchable, backed up and organized database.

Still not convinced Bizooza can give you 'Time Freedom' & Independence at a HUGE savings? How about the ‘Crown Jewel’ of time management? Our customers. How much time do we spend trying to communicate with a customer? Notice, we said trying. Not to mention how much time we are actually communicating. And it always seems that a customer wants to reach out at the most inopportune times. Dinner with the family, kid’s recital, the weekend. And how often what should be a 2 minute conversation turn into 15, 20 or even a 30 minute conversation? Our customers can go off topic occasionally since, “as long as I have you on the phone” happens. So, we asked the question; ‘What do customers just really want?’ And our number one answer was, ‘Communication, communication, communication’.

Here’s where Bizooza will shine for you and your bizness. Bizooza will provide your customer with up to the second progress reporting, scheduling, incident reporting, or any piece of information critical to your customer. All customers want to know is their status and be updated on their deliverable. They don’t want to feel ignored or neglected. Let Bizooza TRM show them that you care and make them feel like they’re the only customer in the room. Give your customer real time access to what’s happening, or even better, what will happen. Give them an alternative outlet (instead of that phone call) to create a request or punch list to remain in communication. After all, if they feel like they’re in communication, they’re in control.

Here’s where the time savings comes in. Bizooza allows you to be proactive, not reactive, with your customers. Eliminating unnecessary texts, emails, and ultimately unpleasant phone calls. Giving your customer 24/7 access to their information and an outlet to communicate possible issues will transform your bizness relationships and give you 'Time Freedom' & Independence.  And did we mention, the HUGE savings?

A bizness environment of precision and concise execution that gives insight through the entire organization to not only what happened yesterday, what’s happening today, but what’s happening tomorrow. While maintaining the integrity of your data and information in a single, real time, secure, searchable and organized database that’s right at your fingertips, on any device, anytime, anywhere in the world.

That’s Bizooza, Where Bizness Gets Done!
Are you ready for the Mobile Bizness Revolution?

‘Let’s Get Bizy!’


Restore Sanity & Organization to Your Work Environment

Benefits For Corporate

Office/Admin- Manage all your data in real time: Whether you’re on the road or in the office manage all your companies’ activity through the BizyForm dashboard or receive live email or text notifications for updates on all your sensitive data and information.

Signature Capture: Get you contracts, work orders, change orders or any other document that needs a signature signed and distrupted in real time.

PO generator to order Materials, Supplies, Equipment, etc: Whether you’re on the road or in the office manage all your companies’ activity through the BizyForm dashboard or receive live email or text notifications for updates on all your sensitive data and information.

Daily Labor Scope (To Do List): Create your daily work scope or customer preferences. Perfect for the Trades, Pool Companies,
Landscapers, Exterminators or any service industry. The BizyForm Autofill feature allows your workforce to access their requirements from their mobile app for the day, create a progress report and submit at the end of the task. Reports can be routed directly to clients, managers, and the office. Excellent solution for time & task tracking while keep your customer in touch in real time.

Manage Time Sheets: Your workforce can submit hours, invoices or flat rates daily or weekly. Payments are calculated and routed through the approval process. All stored in a secure searchable database for easy data retrieval.

Manage Scheduling: Cut down on all the phone calls, texts and miscommunications by integrating a Google calendar into your mobile app and/or website. Permission based system allows workforce to check schedules, job site locations and turn by turn voice directions right from the MobiBiz app.

Forecast Scheduling: Use the BizyForm Matrix grid to create weekly/monthly task forecasting. Easily update and adjust on the fly with BizyForm Autofill technology and update the entire organization and client base with our multi-layer information routing system.

Manage Progress Reports: Perfect for contractors, daily progress reporting keeps management and clients up to date with what’s going on in the field. Create exception reporting to stay on top of potential issues and scheduling problems.

Manage Expenses: Time to go paperless. Bizooza’s Photo-to-Form technology allows you to take a picture of any receipt right from your app, enter expenses for all your requirements, travel, car rental, dining or anything else. Instantly routes your expense report for approval by management. Don’t wait to get back to the office or hotel to recreate your expenses. Never lose a receipt again. BizyForm safely stores your receipts in a secure, searchable database for future reference and re-prints.

Letter Writer PRO: Bizooza has revolutionized the letter writing experience with Letter Writer PRO. Generate a letter on the go from your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. Create custom stationary options, form letters, or custom letters on the fly. Letter Writer allows you to fax, email or print and mail your letters. Never lose or misplace a letter again as all your correspondnce are stored in a secure and searchable database for quick and easy access to review or resend.

Job Applications: Create beautiful Job Applications for your Website, Mobile Site, Facebook, Craigslist, Newsletters, Email blasts or any other outlet. Enable automatic scheduling for your applications to be active, or limit applications by submissions. Allow applicants to attach resumes or create one with our resume generator.

Document Generator: Literally creates and supports any document you can imagine. Automatically converts and attaches pdf file to notification and verification emails. Perfect for contractors, legal professionals, auto dealers, corporations, or not for profits.


   Direct Deposit
    Drug Testing Report
    Background Checks
    Lien Waivers
    Insurance requests

    The Possibilities Are Unlimited!


Work Orders: Create work orders in real time from the field, at the office, or even the golf course. Work Order generator creates a unique quote number, work order, punch list, incident report number for easy tracking and management.

Invoices with PayPal or Stripe integration (BizyPay): Create invoices and integrate Credit Card Payments right into your form. Convert invoice to PDF and include payment link right in the PDF.

Payment Poke: Get PAID Faster! Virtually eliminate you accounts receivable with Payment Poke. Perfect for weekly or bi-monthly service industry like Landscaper’s, Pool Service, Exterminators, Snow Removal, or Window Washers. When submitting your reports to customers Payment Poke alerts your customer if there’s an outstanding balance due, and includes a credit card payment link.

The Message Pad: This solution is great for shared offices, virtual offices, answering services or companies that actually have a person answer a phone. This solution cuts down on time spent taking and retrieving messages. Automatically build you database on the fly. Autofill completes the caller’s information, takes the message, select the call priority and instantly routes the message to the individual that missed the call. No more lost or misplaced messages. Message Pad dashboard allows you access to your messages 24/7 and change call status’s and keep call notes.

For years the idea of small bizness accessing custom solutions that fit their bizness needs was unheard of. They’re  cost prohibitive, not to mention time prohibitive. Not anymore! Not knowing where to start can paralyze a bizness owner and before you know it the bizness is running you instead of you running the bizness. Those days are over. Let Bizooza ‘Change your life’ starting today!  
Contact one our Bizness Experts Right NOW for your FREE consultation.
There’s no software to buy, nothing to download, and no contracts to sign, EVER!

‘Let’s Get Bizy!’

Get Your Entire Workforce on the Same Page

Benefits For Your Work Force

Scheduling: Communicate to your workforce and project managers in real time site locations, start and end times, crew sizes and resource needs for the day. Include a link for workforce to make scheduling requests or vacation times and route request instantly to management.

Material/Equipment Request: No More Excuses! Never be caught by surprise again with a material, equipment, or resource shortage. With Q-Shop your workforce can instantly request resources as soon as a deficiency or future need has been determined. Reports are instantly routed to resource manager with requested fulfillment schedule.

Time Sheet: No more running around collecting time sheets. Workforce can enter their hours & expenses 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Payment amounts can be calculated and routed to supervisors for approval and then routed to payroll fulfillment.

Expense Report: Bizooza’s Photo-to-Form technology allows your workforce to take a picture of any receipt right from their app, enter expenses for all your requirements, travel, car rental, dining or anything else. Instantly routes expense reports for approval by management. Don’t wait to get back to the office or hotel to recreate your expenses. Never lose a receipt again. BizyForm safely stores your receipts in a secure, searchable database for future reference and re-prints.

Mileage & Fuel Tracker: Whether you manage a large fleet or just a single vehicle, Mileage Tracker is an easy to use solution to track miles, gas usage, maintenance history and any other information you would like to capture. Autosuggest displays last travel date recorded and mileage entered to prevent duplicate entries.

Employee Info Form: Allow your workforce to fill out, manage and edit all their pertinent information. Addresses, phone numbers, email, clothing sizes for uniforms and any other information you would like to capture.

Progress Reports: Keep track of your workforce and job progress with daily, weekly, or monthly reports.

Incident Reports: Perfect for documenting injuries, damaged property or exceptions for incomplete tasks. Information instantly routed to proper manager(s). Data is archived for future reference.

Delivery/Pick-Up Signature Form: Our integrated signature pad allows you to more effectively manage your pick up and deliveries of equipment, materials, and personal items. Know who picked it up/delivered, when, where and what time.

Q-Shop: The new way to create commerce on the internet. If you haven’t guessed yet, ‘Q’ stands for quick. Put together an orders of dozens of items in the time it takes you to get to a suppliers website and sign in. That’s all we going to say about Q-Shop here, you need to schedule a demo to see the speed of this amazing solution in action.

We-Commerce: Allows project managers or workforce to order product and/or materials from the job site, route the order to the purchasing agent(s) for approval or modification prior to routing to supplier(s).

Safety Meeting Forms: Great tools for meeting government regulations and compliance. We had OSHA in mind when creating this solution. Document meeting agendas, locations, attendance records with workforce signatures so yo0u can be prepared for government audits.

Safety Inspection Reports: For companies with heavy or light equipment usage. Document who, when, where and what was inspected. Validate equipment in good working order or red flag an item and route critical issues for necessary repairs or replacement. 


For years the idea of small bizness accessing custom solutions that fit their bizness needs was unheard of. They’re  cost prohibitive, not to mention time prohibitive. Not anymore! Not knowing where to start can paralyze a bizness owner and before you know it the bizness is running you instead of you running the bizness. Those days are over. Let Bizooza ‘Change your life’ starting today!
Contact one our Bizness Experts Right NOW for your FREE consultation.
There’s no software to buy, nothing to download, and no contracts to sign, EVER

‘Let’s Get Bizy!’

'Time Freedom' & Independence

Benefits For Customers

Imagine giving your customers an alternative outlet to place their work requests, activity enrollments, see calendaring and scheduling in real time, Progress Reports, or have access to pay an invoice 24/7. Would this cut down on unnecessary phone calls, texts, & emails? Boom! That’s how we give you 'Time Freedom' & Independence at a HUGE Savings! Happy customer, Happy life!
Work Requests
Color Selections
Create Punch List
Create & Manage Preferences
Pay Invoices Online
Schedule Service Online
Customer Surveys
Portrait Booking Session
Wedding Invitations
Workshop Registrations 

Just to name a few!!!

For years the idea of small bizness accessing custom solutions that fit their bizness needs was unheard of. They’re  cost prohibitive, not to mention time prohibitive. Not anymore! Not knowing where to start can paralyze a bizness owner and before you know it the bizness is running you instead of you running the bizness. Those days are over. Let Bizooza ‘Change your life’ starting today!  


Contact one our Bizness Experts Right NOW for your FREE consultation.
There’s no software to buy, nothing to download, and no contracts to sign, EVER!

‘Let’s Get Bizy!'

Organizations- Clubs, Schools, Not-for-Profits

Benefits For Organizations

Membership Forms: Bizooza can manage both paid membership transactions and free memberships from your custom MobiBiz mobile app or from your website!
Activity Enrollments: Great for Ski clubs, sports camps, bible camps, school trips any type of activity enrollment processes whether a paid or free activity.
Calendars: Integrated calendar into mobile apps or you own website. Advertise activities, dates, locations (With  GPS directions). Enroll for an activity right from the calendar.
Form Generator: Have your members and applicants quickly and easily fill out waivers, direct deposit requests, and document you can imagine and capture a signature with BizySign. System automatically sends a PDF to the member and the organization. Documents are stored in a secure, searchable database for easy retrieval from anywhere in the world with the Bizooza cloud system.
Elections & Polls: Have your members vote for your organizations President, Vice-President, Board Members online from anywhere in the world. Or, create custom polls to get the pulse of your members for trips, activities, or proposed changes to the organization. The options are endless!



For years the idea of small bizness accessing custom solutions that fit their bizness needs was unheard of. They’re  cost prohibitive, not to mention time prohibitive. Not anymore! Not knowing where to start can paralyze a bizness owner and before you know it the bizness is running you instead of you running the bizness. Those days are over. Let Bizooza ‘Change your life’ starting today!  


Contact one our Bizness Experts Right NOW for your FREE consultation.
There’s no software to buy, nothing to download, and no contracts to sign, EVER!

‘Let’s Get Bizy!’

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